He then returned to his homeland, staying home, occupying himself with reflection, and tenaciously managing his time - a rare gem that would strike terror in hearts. He continued as such until he became accustomed to it and relented. He instituted waqfs for the purpose of guiding mankind, calling them to what concerns them in the Hereafter, hating this world and preoccupation with it amongst spiritual travelers, preparing for travel to the eternal abode, and yielding to anyone who shows signs of spiritual insight or from whom one smells the fragrance of gnosis or spiritual awareness of any effulgence of beholding the Divine. Hereby, the devil of frivolity, the pursuit of leadership and rank, and the adoption of the mannerisms of the exalted morphed into tranquility, noble manners, the abandonment of formalities and embellishments, wearing the raiment of the pious, and being undeluded by fanciful optimism.

There, he began composing his book The Revival of Religious Sciences and started working on disciplining his soul, changing his character traits, improving his nature, and refining his lifestyle. he set out for Damascus and resided there a short period of time. He left Baghdad despite his rank, pre-occupied with matters of devoutness. Then the situation changed, and he began to view his life from a different perspective. His rank in Baghdad rose above that of princes, viziers, men of reverence, and the household of the Caliphate. His teaching and debating received unanimous approval whereupon he became the Imam of Iraq after having attained the status of Imam of Khorasan. Nizam al-Mulk decreed that he travel to Baghdad in order to teach at al-Nizamiyyah, so he set out. Imam al-Ghazali name became known and his fame spread. It was there that Imam Ghazali had many chances to demonstrate his prowess in debating luminaries. The gathering of Nizam al-Mulk was the flocking place of revered scholars and the aim of imams of merit. He devoted himself to it and attained a position of great importance therein due to his lofty rank and refined argumentation. Imam al-Ghazali then left Nishapur and attended the assembly of the vizier Nizam al-Mulk. The Imam would boast of him and hold his closeness to him in high regard. He was assigned to teach and offer guidance to students during the lifetime of his imam, and he also authored works. He emerged as the most discerning man of his era and singular amongst his peers. He strove earnestly and exerted himself until he graduated after a brief period of time. He then went to Nishapur where he attended the lessons of Imam al-Haramayn. He began with some jurisprudence (fiqh) there as a child. Imam Ghazali was born in Tus in the year four-hundred and fifty. Imam al-Ghazali was born in the city of Tus, the second city of Khorasan after Nishapur, in the year 450 A.H. He is the Imam, the Beauty of Religion and Proof of Islam, Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali of Tus, then Nishapur - the jurist, Sufi, Shafi'i, and Ash'ari. Kamran Riaz, which will also be published by IGI. The following is excerpted from the introduction to IGI’s translation of al-Ghazali’s Ayyuhal Walad as well as a forthcoming translation of one of al-Ghazali’s works by Shaykh Amin Kholwadia and Dr.